Choo choo

At what point, and who, decided that a train engine that looked like Alien with spinners and whitewalls was a bad idea? They had dining cars with silverware and white linen tablecloths–and for the love of Jesus rolling back the rock, they had a bar car!

Shake it, shake it.

Oh my God! I found this letter nailed to my front door!:

The chaotic nature of the contemporary geopolitical zoosphere permits one only to address momentarily what you sincerely believe to be the godly direction–whatever flavor your god is–currently mine is cilantro-anise (no homonymic “anus” jokes, and no homonymic “homo” jokes either, please, you basic bitches, I mean really, I should have just said licorice, and “sound-a-like”–unless of course, the aforesaid procsribed topics are really hilarious [intense comedy always gets a pass, and keep in mind, the comment section is like antibiotics, kinda fuzzy and gross, but, Yay!, fuck Gonnorhea!]).

Where wasi, oh yeah, the “CGZ”. Like it, share it, move on. It will represent. And it will re-show itself. Lather, rinse, repeat. Tallyman will tally the bananas in real time. It’s like an ongoing Harry Belafonte song:

“Shake, shake, senora.
Jump in de line, rock your body in time.”

Likewise frequencies align, harmonize, resonate, escalate, and elevate. So don’t just stand there. Don’t.

Leave yourself out of the party, if you like.
Be anti-party, if you must. I
will still care about you. You
will not have as much fun as we.

My chihuahua is currently meditating in the middle of my bed, but she authored this, she told me out loud, made me write it down, and wanted me to pass this along as a Public Service Announcement.

Yours Truly,
Son Of Lucy.

I Told Travis About New Orleans.

Ok so NOLA is a first date where you are going to see a movie you’re really interested in, and some of your friends are sitting down front already, but you enter the darkness and your date pulls you into the back row, throws a leg over you and starts licking your face.